Did you know that you don’t have to be a direct match to become a living donor? You don’t even have to wait until your loved one with kidney disease needs a transplant to protect them in the future. Join NKFW’s Living Donors Together April meeting for a special presentation on how paired exchange, donor chains, and non-directed living organ donation can help help save multiple lives and ensure transplant recipients get the best possible match. Stick around after the presentation for an open forum discussion about living organ donation and connect with others navigating this journey.
LIVING DONORS TOGETHER is a program of the National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin. This virtual community of living donors or anyone interested in living donation to learn, network and find support. Caregivers, healthcare professionals or patients interested in living donation are encouraged to participate in this informal conversation.
Meeting Topic: Understanding Living Donation and Updates to the Voucher Program
As always, participation is free, but registration is required to receive the meeting link.
Register Here
Thank you to UW Health Transplant Center for supporting this educational session!